Pft Ppt Download For Mac

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Proud member of PPTools converts PowerPoint slides to high-quality images. Exports HTML even from PowerPoint 2010 and 2013, gives you full control of PowerPoint HTML output, helps meet Section 508 accessibility requirements Excel data into PowerPoint presentations to create certificates, awards presentations, personalized presentations and more your presentations quickly and without distortion switches the text in your presentation from one language to another prevents broken links when you distribute PowerPoint presentations brings styles to PowerPoint. Apply complex formatting with a single click. Preserves interactivity in PowerPoint presentations when you convert to PDF. How to create PDFs from Mac PowerPoint PowerPoint X under Mac OS X can make PDF files without any additional software. For OS 10.2+ only: Go to File, Print, choose the options you'd like, then click the 'Save as PDF' button at the bottom of the Print dialog.

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For OS X (any version): Go to File, Print, choose the options you'd like, then click on the third pop-up menu to change from 'Copies & Pages' to 'Output Options'. When you get there, check the 'Save as File' button, and choose PDF. Now, just press Print. Alternatively, in the Print dialog box, you can click on Preview, which will open your PowerPoint presentation up in print preview mode within the Preview application.

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From there, you can go to File, Save As to save the contents of the print preview as a PDF file. PowerPoint 2001 and earlier If you have an earlier Mac OS version or run an earlier version of PowerPoint in Classic mode under OS X, you'll need additional software to make PDFs from PowerPoint. You can use Adobe Acrobat or one of the lower-cost Acrobat alternatives listed.