Imonitor Eam Agent For Mac

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Database related questions How to Change Database Directory? Please click to view the details iMonitor EAM stores the collected logs on client computer or server computer? IMonitor EAM can monitor 1000+ client computers within 1 server, you can group the computers by departments or work places.

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All records will be collected from client computers and stored in EAM Server database. Which database does iMonitor EAM use? IMonitor EAM use its own file format database, you do not need to install other database like SQL server. How can I locate the database folder?

And how to change the location? Please login iMonitor EAM console, click Home ⇒ Settings ⇒ DB Settings, you will find the database folder, and the database is on the EAM server.

If you want to change the database folder, please enter a new folder path and click OK. IMonitor EAM will copy all the existing records to the new database folder. According to the data size of the database, it may take 1-30 minutes to complete. How about the off-line laptop monitoring? For example, employee with a laptop on a business trip. All offline logs will be stored on local disk during that time, and will be uploaded to the server computer automatically when the laptop connect to the server PC.

Imonitor Eam Agent For MacImonitor

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How to backup database? Please go to the database folder, the default DB folder is C: EAMDATA(it is a hidden folder). You will find a 'db' folder inside. Copy 'db' to another computer to backup the database.

Imonitor Eam Agent For Mac

Install iMonitor EAM on this computer, open iMonitor EAM console, click Home - DB settings, change the Database directory into the directory of copied 'db' folder, then you will be able to view the backup logs. Does iMonitor EAM store logs in centralized database on server computer? And How can I change database directory? Yes, iMonitor EAM stores important logs on centralized database on server computer, such as keystrokes, mail logs, file logs, clipboard logs, website logs, FTP logs, print job logs, instant message, etc. The Agent program uploads collected logs to server computer AUTOMATICALLY at interval of X minutes you specified. It stores logs in centralized database on disk C: of server computer acquiescently, if you want to change the directory please click Settings - Others - Set Database Directory. How long it takes, the log will be synchronized to the server?

The default interval is 1 minute, we suggest you to change the LOG SYNC Interval according to the number of clients. 3 - 10, 1 minute 11 - 50, 5 minutes 1 - 200, 30 minutes 200+, 60 minutes.